Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's cold outside. Part #2

My teammate Hughes rolls up along side of me as we enter Dover center, our designated halfway point for our ride of the day, and asks this simple question: "Training with tubular tires... Great idea? or Greatest idea?" Cut to less than two miles later, where he and two others are on the side of the road peeling a newly flatted tubular tire from his front rim.

You can't make this stuff up.

 Hughes took it all in stride however, pumped up his spare, and we were back on the road in no-time. He had to endure me telling the story I just shared with you to both sets of riders scattered along the road, but we heard no complaints. He even took the last town line sprint on our way back home. Partly out of sheer determination, but mostly because everyone was too scared to contest for fear of him rolling his tire and taking down the entire group.

The thermometer said it was ten degrees warmer than yesterday, but with the two extended stops for flats, I was in just as bad a shape when I limped home this afternoon. Jens Voigt I am not.

SHUT UP...toes.

In other news, after much pondering and posturing,  I placed an order for a Powertap today. A BLACK SL+. As it stands now it will be laced to a DT Swiss rim, but I may swing by Landry's tomorrow and tell them to just put it in my Reynolds... I'm still on the fence. The point is, it's on its way, and soon I will be posting meaningless power data numbers to go along with my infinite ramblings.

Big shout-out to Ned Connelly who is officially my first subscriber! Thats right, before my family, girlfriend, teammates... teammates girlfriends... Ned thinks what I am writing has some value. So thanks Ned! More to follow as he and I and others embark on our winter training camp in Florida. It has yet to be titled, so any epic name that you can think of that encompasses friends, cycling, old people, and probably too much alcohol, feel free to pass along suggestions!

100+ miles in my legs this week. That's 100 more than last. Cautious optimism remains my battle cry... until it's time for battle.   Bon Nuit!


  1. it's "bonne nuit" because night is feminine in French. I like that you used some French though, you're classy Sam and so is your blog.
